Interface ParamProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
DeclaredParamProvider, EmptyParamProvider, SpecifiedParamProvider

public interface ParamProvider
The parameter object provider for this variable/parameters of the entry method. This class also supports supplying objects pointed to by fields of parameter objects, as well as elements of array objects.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getThisObjs

      Set<Obj> getThisObjs()
      the objects for this variable.
    • getParamObjs

      Set<Obj> getParamObjs(int i)
      the objects for i-th parameter (starting from 0).
    • getFieldObjs

      TwoKeyMultiMap<Obj,JField,Obj> getFieldObjs()
      the objects pointed to by parameter objects' fields.
    • getArrayObjs

      MultiMap<Obj,Obj> getArrayObjs()
      the elements contained in parameter arrays.