Uses of Interface
Packages that use Indexable
Provides the classes to represent and manage context-sensitive elements
used in pointer analysis, including context-sensitive pointers, objects,
call sites, and methods.
Provide model for heap objects.
Provides functionality related to management of classes (class loading,
class members, class hierarchy, etc.) in the program being analyzed.
Uses of Indexable in pascal.taie.analysis.graph.flowgraph
Classes in pascal.taie.analysis.graph.flowgraph that implement IndexableModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Nodes in object flow graph.class
Uses of Indexable in pascal.taie.analysis.pta.core.cs.element
Subinterfaces of Indexable in pascal.taie.analysis.pta.core.cs.elementModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Represents all pointers (nodes) in context-sensitive pointer analysis (pointer flow graph).Classes in pascal.taie.analysis.pta.core.cs.element that implement IndexableModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Represents array index pointers.class
Represents context-sensitive methods.class
Represents context-sensitive objects.class
Represents context-sensitive variables.class
Represents instance field pointers.class
Represents static field pointers. -
Uses of Indexable in pascal.taie.analysis.pta.core.heap
Classes in pascal.taie.analysis.pta.core.heap that implement IndexableModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Objects that represent constants.class
Represents a set of merged objects.class
Represents the objects whose allocation sites are not explicitly written in the program.class
Objects that are created by new statements.class
Represents of abstract objects in pointer analysis. -
Uses of Indexable in
Classes in that implement IndexableModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Representation of method/constructor parameters, lambda parameters, exception parameters, and local variables. -
Uses of Indexable in
Subinterfaces of Indexable in in that implement IndexableModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Representation of statement that assigns literals, e.g., a = 10.class
AssignStmt<L extends LValue,
R extends RValue> Representation of assign statements.class
Representation of assign statement for binary expression, e.g., a = b + c.class
Representation of cast statement, e.g., a = (T) b.class
Representation of catch exception, e.g., catch (e).class
Representation of copy statement, e.g., a = b.class
DefinitionStmt<L extends LValue,
R extends RValue> Representation of all definition statements, i.e., exp1 = exp2.class
Load/Store field statements.class
Representation of goto statement, e.g., goto L.class
Representation of if statement, e.g., if a == b goto S;class
Representation of instanceof statement, e.g., a = (b instanceof T).class
Representation of invocation statement, e.g., r = o.m(...) or o.m(...).class
Representation of load array statement, e.g., x = a[..].class
Representation of following load field statements: load instance field: x = o.f load static field: x = T.fclass
Representation of monitorenter/monitorexit instruction.class
Representation of following kinds of new statements: new instance: o = new T new array: o = new T[..] new multi-array: o = new T[..][..]class
Representation of nop statement which does nothing.class
Representation of return statement, e.g., return; or return x.class
Representation of store array statement, e.g., a[..] = x.class
Representation of following store field statements: store instance field: o.f = x store static field: T.f = xclass
Representation of switch statement, e.g., switch (v) { case 1: ...class
Representation of throw exception statement, e.g., throw e.class
Representation of following kinds of unary assign statements: negation: x = -y array length: x = arr.length -
Uses of Indexable in pascal.taie.language.classes
Classes in pascal.taie.language.classes that implement Indexable -
Uses of Indexable in pascal.taie.util.collection
Classes in pascal.taie.util.collection with type parameters of type IndexableModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
HybridIndexableSet<E extends Indexable>
Hybrid set that uses indexable set for large set.class
IndexableSet<E extends Indexable>
An efficient set implementation forIndexable