Uses of Class
Packages that use AbstractSetEx
Uses of AbstractSetEx in pascal.taie.util.collection
Subclasses of AbstractSetEx in pascal.taie.util.collectionModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This set supports hybrid of two set implementations, where one is efficient for small set and another one is efficient for large set.class
Set implementation based on ArrayList.class
Bit set based implementation ofSet
.final class
Hybrid set that uses bit set for large class
Hybrid set that uses hash set for large set.class
HybridIndexableSet<E extends Indexable>
Hybrid set that uses indexable set for large class
Hybrid set that uses linked hash set for large set.class
IndexableSet<E extends Indexable>
An efficient set implementation forIndexable
This implementation leveragesIndexer
to take care of the mappings between objects and indexes.