Interface Pointer

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ArrayIndex, CSVar, InstanceField, StaticField

public interface Pointer extends Indexable
Represents all pointers (nodes) in context-sensitive pointer analysis (pointer flow graph).
  • Method Details

    • getPointsToSet

      @Nullable PointsToSet getPointsToSet()
      Retrieves the points-to set associated with this pointer.

      This method may return null. We recommend use getObjects() and objects() for accessing the objects pointed by this pointer after the pointer analysis finishes.

      the points-to set associated with this pointer.
    • setPointsToSet

      void setPointsToSet(PointsToSet pointsToSet)
      Sets the associated points-to set of this pointer.
    • addFilter

      void addFilter(Predicate<CSObj> filter)
      Adds filter to filter out objects pointed to by this pointer.
    • getFilters

      Set<Predicate<CSObj>> getFilters()
      all filters added to this pointer.
    • getObjects

      Set<CSObj> getObjects()
      Safely retrieves context-sensitive objects pointed to by this pointer.
      an empty set if pointer has not been associated a PointsToSet; otherwise, returns set of objects in the PointsToSet.
    • objects

      Stream<CSObj> objects()
      Safely retrieves context-sensitive objects pointed to by this pointer.
      an empty stream if pointer has not been associated a PointsToSet; otherwise, returns stream of objects in the PointsToSet.
    • addEdge

      Adds a pointer flow edge and returns the edge in the PFG. If the edge to add already exists, then
      • if the edge is of FlowKind.OTHER, returns the existing edge;
      • otherwise, returns null, meaning that the edge does not need to be processed again.
    • removeEdgesIf

      void removeEdgesIf(Predicate<PointerFlowEdge> filter)
      Removes out edges of this pointer if they satisfy the filter.

      Note: This method should not be called outside of Plugin.onPhaseFinish(), otherwise it may break the monotonicity of pointer analysis.

    • getOutEdges

      Set<PointerFlowEdge> getOutEdges()
      out edges of this pointer in pointer flow graph.
    • getOutDegree

      int getOutDegree()
      out degree of this pointer in pointer flow graph.
    • getType

      Type getType()
      the type of this pointer