Class AnalysisPlanner


public class AnalysisPlanner extends Object
Makes analysis plan based on given plan configs and analysis configs.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • makePlan

      public Plan makePlan(List<PlanConfig> planConfigs, boolean reachableScope)
      This method makes a plan by converting given list of PlanConfig to AnalysisConfig. It will be used when analysis plan is specified by configuration file.
      the analysis plan consists of a list of analysis config.
      ConfigException - if the given planConfigs are invalid.
    • expandPlan

      public Plan expandPlan(List<PlanConfig> planConfigs, boolean reachableScope)
      This method makes an analysis plan based on given plan configs, and it will automatically add required analyses (which are not in the given plan) to the resulting plan. It will be used when analysis plan is specified by command line options.
      the analysis plan consisting of a list of analysis config.
      ConfigException - if the specified planConfigs is invalid.