Interface Exp

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
BinaryExp, FloatingPointLiteral, IntegerLiteral, Literal, LValue, NewExp, NumberLiteral, ReferenceLiteral, RValue, UnaryExp
All Known Implementing Classes:
ArithmeticExp, ArrayAccess, ArrayLengthExp, BitwiseExp, CastExp, ClassLiteral, ComparisonExp, ConditionExp, DoubleLiteral, FieldAccess, FloatLiteral, InstanceFieldAccess, InstanceOfExp, IntLiteral, InvokeDynamic, InvokeExp, InvokeInstanceExp, InvokeInterface, InvokeSpecial, InvokeStatic, InvokeVirtual, LongLiteral, MethodHandle, MethodType, NegExp, NewArray, NewInstance, NewMultiArray, NullLiteral, ShiftExp, StaticFieldAccess, StringLiteral, Var

public interface Exp extends Serializable
Representation of expressions in Tai-e IR.
  • Method Details

    • getType

      Type getType()
      type of this expression.
    • getUses

      default Set<RValue> getUses()
      a list of expressions which are used by (contained in) this Exp.
    • accept

      <T> T accept(ExpVisitor<T> visitor)