Interface JClassBuilder

public interface JClassBuilder
Each JClassBuilder builds one JClass. TODO: make the relation between JClassBuilder and JClass explicit.
  • Method Details

    • build

      void build(JClass jclass)
    • getModifiers

      Set<Modifier> getModifiers()
    • getSimpleName

      String getSimpleName()
    • getClassType

      ClassType getClassType()
    • getSuperClass

      JClass getSuperClass()
    • getInterfaces

      Collection<JClass> getInterfaces()
    • getOuterClass

      JClass getOuterClass()
    • getDeclaredFields

      Collection<JField> getDeclaredFields()
    • getDeclaredMethods

      Collection<JMethod> getDeclaredMethods()
    • getAnnotationHolder

      AnnotationHolder getAnnotationHolder()
    • isApplication

      boolean isApplication()
      true if this class is application class, otherwise false.
    • isPhantom

      boolean isPhantom()
      true if this class is phantom class, otherwise false.
    • getGSignature

      @Nullable ClassGSignature getGSignature()
      the signature attribute for dealing with generics starting from Java 1.5.
      See Also: