Package pascal.taie

Class World

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, ResultHolder

public final class World extends AbstractResultHolder implements Serializable
Manages the whole-program information of the program being analyzed. Note that the setters of this class are protected: they are supposed to be called (once) by the world builder, not analysis classes.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • World

      public World()
  • Method Details

    • set

      public static void set(World world)
      Sets current world to world.
    • get

      public static World get()
      the current World instance.
    • registerResetCallback

      public static void registerResetCallback(Runnable callback)
    • reset

      public static void reset()
    • getOptions

      public Options getOptions()
    • setOptions

      public void setOptions(Options options)
    • getTypeSystem

      public TypeSystem getTypeSystem()
    • setTypeSystem

      public void setTypeSystem(TypeSystem typeSystem)
    • getClassHierarchy

      public ClassHierarchy getClassHierarchy()
    • setClassHierarchy

      public void setClassHierarchy(ClassHierarchy classHierarchy)
    • getIRBuilder

      public IRBuilder getIRBuilder()
    • setIRBuilder

      public void setIRBuilder(IRBuilder irBuilder)
    • getNativeModel

      public NativeModel getNativeModel()
    • setNativeModel

      public void setNativeModel(NativeModel nativeModel)
    • getMainMethod

      public JMethod getMainMethod()
    • setMainMethod

      public void setMainMethod(JMethod mainMethod)
    • getImplicitEntries

      public Collection<JMethod> getImplicitEntries()
    • setImplicitEntries

      public void setImplicitEntries(Collection<JMethod> implicitEntries)