Class HybridBitSet<E>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Iterable<E>, Collection<E>, Set<E>, SetEx<E>, Copyable<SetEx<E>>

public final class HybridBitSet<E> extends AbstractHybridSet<E> implements Serializable
Hybrid set that uses bit set for large set.

It is important to note that batch operations such as addAll(Collection), removeAll(Collection), retainAll(Collection), and containsAll(Collection) can experience performance degradation when used with IndexerBitSet.

For example, when removing elements of a HybridBitSet from an IndexerBitSet (i.e., indexerBitSet.removeAll(hybridBitSet)) or vice versa, the operation does not take advantage of bit-level operations. Instead, it falls back on an iterative removal process that is less efficient.

Users are advised to be aware of these potential performance implications when performing batch operations between IndexerBitSet and HybridBitSet instances to avoid unexpected inefficiencies.

See Also: