Class IndexableSet<E extends Indexable>

Type Parameters:
E - type of elements whose indexes are stored in this set
All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable<E>, Collection<E>, Set<E>, SetEx<E>, Copyable<SetEx<E>>

public class IndexableSet<E extends Indexable> extends AbstractSetEx<E>
An efficient set implementation for Indexable objects.

NOTE: this set is not a fully-functional set. It does not actually store the elements (it only stores the indexes), so it cannot support operations on the elements, e.g., iterations. This set is suitable for fast check on presence/absence of certain elements. If you need a fully-functional set backing by bit set, please use IndexerBitSet.

This set extend AbstractSetEx so that it can be used (as large set) to construct hybrid set.

See Also: