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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


Unary - Class in
Representation of following kinds of unary assign statements: negation: x = -y array length: x = arr.length
Unary(Var, UnaryExp) - Constructor for class
UnaryExp - Interface in
Representation of unary expression.
UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION - Enum constant in enum class pascal.taie.analysis.graph.cfg.CFGEdge.Kind
Edge representing the possibility that a node raise an exception that cannot be caught by the current method.
union(E, E) - Method in class pascal.taie.util.collection.UnionFindSet
Unions the sets which e1 and e2 belong to, respectively.
union(SetFact<E>) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.dataflow.fact.SetFact
Unions other fact into this fact.
UnionFindSet<E> - Class in pascal.taie.util.collection
UnionFindSet(Collection<E>) - Constructor for class pascal.taie.util.collection.UnionFindSet
unionWith(SetFact<E>) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.dataflow.fact.SetFact
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.reflection.LogItem
UNKNOWN_ERROR - Static variable in class pascal.taie.language.classes.ClassNames
unmodifiableMultiMap(MultiMap<K, V>) - Static method in class pascal.taie.util.collection.Maps
unmodifiableTwoKeyMultiMap(TwoKeyMultiMap<K1, K2, V>) - Static method in class pascal.taie.util.collection.Maps
UnsafeModel - Class in pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.natives
UNSATISFIED_LINK_ERROR - Static variable in class pascal.taie.language.classes.ClassNames
update(String...) - Method in class pascal.taie.util.graph.DotAttributes
update(K, V) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.dataflow.fact.MapFact
Updates the key-value mapping in this fact.
update(Var, Value) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.dataflow.analysis.constprop.CPFact
useMethodHandle() - Static method in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.invokedynamic.InvokeDynamicAnalysis
USHR - Enum constant in enum class
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form