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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


safeHash(Object, Object) - Static method in class pascal.taie.util.Hashes
safeHash(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class pascal.taie.util.Hashes
safeHash(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class pascal.taie.util.Hashes
Sanitizer - Interface in pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.taint
Represents a sanitizer in taint analysis.
sanitizers() - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.taint.TaintConfigProvider
Scaler - Class in pascal.taie.analysis.pta.toolkit.scaler
Given a TST (Total Scalability Threshold), select the ST (Scalability Threshold), then select context-sensitivity based on the selected ST value.
Scaler(PointerAnalysisResult, long) - Constructor for class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.toolkit.scaler.Scaler
SCC<N> - Class in pascal.taie.util.graph
Finds strongly connected components in a directed graph using Tarjan's algorithm.
SCC(Graph<N>) - Constructor for class pascal.taie.util.graph.SCC
Scope - Enum Class in pascal.taie.config
second() - Method in record class pascal.taie.util.collection.Pair
Returns the value of the second record component.
selectContext() - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.toolkit.scaler.Scaler
Selects context sensitivity variants for the methods in the program.
selectContext(CSCallSite, CSObj, JMethod) - Method in interface pascal.taie.analysis.pta.core.cs.selector.ContextSelector
Selects contexts for instance methods.
selectContext(CSCallSite, JMethod) - Method in interface pascal.taie.analysis.pta.core.cs.selector.ContextSelector
Selects contexts for static methods.
selectHeapContext(CSMethod, Obj) - Method in interface pascal.taie.analysis.pta.core.cs.selector.ContextSelector
Selects heap contexts for new-created abstract objects.
selector - Variable in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.util.SolverHolder
selectPrecisionCriticalMethods() - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.toolkit.zipper.Zipper
SERIALIZABLE - Static variable in class pascal.taie.language.classes.ClassNames
set - Variable in class pascal.taie.analysis.dataflow.fact.SetFact
set - Variable in class pascal.taie.util.collection.AbstractHybridSet
The set containing the elements.
set(int) - Method in interface pascal.taie.util.collection.IBitSet
Sets the bit at the specified index to true.
set(int) - Method in class pascal.taie.util.collection.RegularBitSet
set(int) - Method in class pascal.taie.util.collection.SparseBitSet
set(int) - Method in class pascal.taie.util.MutableInt
Sets the value to newValue.
set(int, boolean) - Method in class pascal.taie.util.collection.AbstractBitSet
set(int, boolean) - Method in interface pascal.taie.util.collection.IBitSet
Sets the bit at the specified index to the specified value.
set(SetFact<E>) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.dataflow.fact.SetFact
Sets the content of this set to the same as other set.
set(World) - Static method in class pascal.taie.World
Sets current world to world.
setBootstrapClassLoader(JClassLoader) - Method in interface pascal.taie.language.classes.ClassHierarchy
setBootstrapClassLoader(JClassLoader) - Method in class pascal.taie.language.classes.ClassHierarchyImpl
setClassHierarchy(ClassHierarchy) - Method in class pascal.taie.World
setDefaultClassLoader(JClassLoader) - Method in interface pascal.taie.language.classes.ClassHierarchy
setDefaultClassLoader(JClassLoader) - Method in class pascal.taie.language.classes.ClassHierarchyImpl
setDefaultTarget(Stmt) - Method in class
setDelegate(ParamProvider) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.core.solver.SpecifiedParamProvider.Builder
setEdgeAttributer(Function<Edge<N>, DotAttributes>) - Method in class pascal.taie.util.graph.DotDumper
setEdgeLabeler(Function<Edge<N>, String>) - Method in class pascal.taie.util.graph.DotDumper
SetEx<E> - Interface in pascal.taie.util.collection
This interface extends Set to provide more useful APIs.
SetFact<E> - Class in pascal.taie.analysis.dataflow.fact
Represents set-like data-flow facts.
SetFact() - Constructor for class pascal.taie.analysis.dataflow.fact.SetFact
SetFact(Collection<E>) - Constructor for class pascal.taie.analysis.dataflow.fact.SetFact
setGlobalEdgeAttributes(DotAttributes) - Method in class pascal.taie.util.graph.DotDumper
setGlobalNodeAttributes(DotAttributes) - Method in class pascal.taie.util.graph.DotDumper
setImplicitEntries(Collection<JMethod>) - Method in class pascal.taie.World
setIndex(int) - Method in class
setIndex(int) - Method in interface
setInFact(Node, Fact) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.dataflow.fact.DataflowResult
Associates a data-flow fact with a node as its flowing-in fact.
setIRBuilder(IRBuilder) - Method in class pascal.taie.World
setLineNumber(int) - Method in class
setLineNumber(int) - Method in interface
setMainMethod(JMethod) - Method in class pascal.taie.World
setNativeModel(NativeModel) - Method in class pascal.taie.World
setNodeAttributer(Function<N, DotAttributes>) - Method in class pascal.taie.util.graph.DotDumper
setNodeLabeler(Function<N, String>) - Method in class pascal.taie.util.graph.DotDumper
setNodeToString(Function<N, String>) - Method in class pascal.taie.util.graph.DotDumper
setOptions(Options) - Method in class pascal.taie.World
setOutFact(Node, Fact) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.dataflow.fact.DataflowResult
Associates a data-flow fact with a node as its flowing-out fact.
setOutput(File) - Static method in class pascal.taie.config.LoggerConfigs
Set the log output file based on the given output dir.
setPlugin(Plugin) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.core.solver.DefaultSolver
setPlugin(Plugin) - Method in interface pascal.taie.analysis.pta.core.solver.Solver
Sets plugin to this solver.
setPointsToSet(PointsToSet) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.core.cs.element.InstanceField
setPointsToSet(PointsToSet) - Method in interface pascal.taie.analysis.pta.core.cs.element.Pointer
Sets the associated points-to set of this pointer.
SetQueue<E> - Class in pascal.taie.util.collection
A Queue implementation which contains no duplicate elements.
SetQueue() - Constructor for class pascal.taie.util.collection.SetQueue
Sets - Class in pascal.taie.util.collection
Static utility methods for Set.
setSolver(Solver) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.assertion.AssertionChecker
setSolver(Solver) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.ClassInitializer
setSolver(Solver) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.CompositePlugin
setSolver(Solver) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.ConstraintChecker
setSolver(Solver) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.EntryPointHandler
setSolver(Solver) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.exception.ExceptionAnalysis
setSolver(Solver) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.invokedynamic.InvokeDynamicAnalysis
setSolver(Solver) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.invokedynamic.Java9StringConcatHandler
setSolver(Solver) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.invokedynamic.LambdaAnalysis
setSolver(Solver) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.natives.NativeModeller
setSolver(Solver) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.NullHandler
setSolver(Solver) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.NumberLiteralHandler
setSolver(Solver) - Method in interface pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.Plugin
Sets pointer analysis solver which will be used later by the plugin.
setSolver(Solver) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.Profiler
setSolver(Solver) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.ReferenceHandler
setSolver(Solver) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.reflection.ReflectionAnalysis
setSolver(Solver) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.ResultProcessor
setSolver(Solver) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.taint.TaintAnalysis
setSolver(Solver) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.ThreadHandler
setSourceLine(int) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.bugfinder.BugInstance
setSourceLine(int, int) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.bugfinder.BugInstance
setTarget(Stmt) - Method in class
setTarget(Stmt) - Method in class
setTargets(List<Stmt>) - Method in class
setTo(Collection<E>) - Method in class pascal.taie.util.collection.GenericBitSet
Sets the content of this bit set to the same as given collection.
setTo(IBitSet) - Method in class pascal.taie.util.collection.AbstractBitSet
setTo(IBitSet) - Method in interface pascal.taie.util.collection.IBitSet
Sets the content of this bit set to the same as specified bit set.
setTo(IBitSet) - Method in class pascal.taie.util.collection.RegularBitSet
setTypeSystem(TypeSystem) - Method in class pascal.taie.World
setValue(V) - Method in class pascal.taie.util.collection.MapEntry
Severity - Enum Class in pascal.taie.analysis.bugfinder
ShiftExp - Class in
Representation of shift expression, e.g., a >> b.
ShiftExp(ShiftExp.Op, Var, Var) - Constructor for class
ShiftExp.Op - Enum Class in
SHL - Enum constant in enum class
SHORT - Enum constant in enum class pascal.taie.language.generics.BaseType
SHORT - Enum constant in enum class pascal.taie.language.type.ShortType
SHORT - Static variable in class pascal.taie.language.classes.ClassNames
ShortType - Enum Class in pascal.taie.language.type
SHR - Enum constant in enum class
SideEffect - Class in pascal.taie.analysis.sideeffect
Represents result of side-effect analysis.
SideEffectAnalysis - Class in pascal.taie.analysis.sideeffect
SideEffectAnalysis(AnalysisConfig) - Constructor for class pascal.taie.analysis.sideeffect.SideEffectAnalysis
signature - Variable in class pascal.taie.language.classes.ClassMember
signature() - Element in annotation interface pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.util.InvokeHandler
Method signature of the Invoke to be handled.
SignatureMatcher - Class in pascal.taie.language.classes
Provides functionality to match signatures by given patterns.
SignatureMatcher(ClassHierarchy) - Constructor for class pascal.taie.language.classes.SignatureMatcher
Signatures - Class in pascal.taie.language.classes
Provides signatures of special methods and fields.
SimpleClassTypeGSignature(String, List<TypeArgument>) - Constructor for record class pascal.taie.language.generics.ClassTypeGSignature.SimpleClassTypeGSignature
Creates an instance of a SimpleClassTypeGSignature record class.
SimpleGraph<N> - Class in pascal.taie.util.graph
A simple map-based implementation of Graph.
SimpleGraph() - Constructor for class pascal.taie.util.graph.SimpleGraph
Constructs an empty graph.
SimpleGraph(Graph<N>) - Constructor for class pascal.taie.util.graph.SimpleGraph
Constructs a new graph containing the same node and edge sets as the specified graph.
SimpleIndexer<E> - Class in pascal.taie.util
A simple map and list based implementation of Indexer.
SimpleIndexer() - Constructor for class pascal.taie.util.SimpleIndexer
Constructs an empty indexer.
SimpleIndexer(int) - Constructor for class pascal.taie.util.SimpleIndexer
Constructs an empty mapper with the specified initial capacity.
SimpleIndexer(Collection<? extends E>) - Constructor for class pascal.taie.util.SimpleIndexer
Constructs a mapper with a collection.
singleton - Variable in class pascal.taie.util.collection.AbstractHybridSet
The singleton value.
Sink - Record Class in pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.taint
Represents a sink in taint analysis.
Sink(JMethod, IndexRef) - Constructor for record class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.taint.Sink
Creates an instance of a Sink record class.
sinkPoint() - Method in record class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.taint.TaintFlow
Returns the value of the sinkPoint record component.
sinks() - Method in record class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.taint.TaintConfig
Returns the value of the sinks record component.
sinks() - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.taint.TaintConfigProvider
size() - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.dataflow.fact.SetFact
size() - Method in interface pascal.taie.analysis.pta.pts.PointsToSet
size() - Method in class pascal.taie.util.collection.AbstractHybridMap
size() - Method in class pascal.taie.util.collection.AbstractHybridSet
size() - Method in class pascal.taie.util.collection.ArrayMap
size() - Method in class pascal.taie.util.collection.ArraySet
size() - Method in class pascal.taie.util.collection.GenericBitSet
size() - Method in interface pascal.taie.util.collection.IBitSet
Returns the number of bits of space actually in use by this BitSet to represent bit values.
size() - Method in class pascal.taie.util.collection.IndexableSet
size() - Method in class pascal.taie.util.collection.IndexMap
size() - Method in class pascal.taie.util.collection.MapMapTwoKeyMap
size() - Method in class pascal.taie.util.collection.MapMultiMapTwoKeyMultiMap
size() - Method in class pascal.taie.util.collection.MapSetMultiMap
size() - Method in interface pascal.taie.util.collection.MultiMap
size() - Method in class pascal.taie.util.collection.RegularBitSet
size() - Method in class pascal.taie.util.collection.SetQueue
size() - Method in class pascal.taie.util.collection.SparseBitSet
size() - Method in interface pascal.taie.util.collection.TwoKeyMap
size() - Method in interface pascal.taie.util.collection.TwoKeyMultiMap
SolarModel - Class in pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.reflection
Implementation of Solar, a powerful static reflection analysis.
solve() - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.core.solver.DefaultSolver
Runs pointer analysis algorithm.
solve() - Method in interface pascal.taie.analysis.pta.core.solver.Solver
Starts this solver.
solve(DataflowAnalysis<Node, Fact>) - Method in interface pascal.taie.analysis.dataflow.solver.Solver
Solves the given analysis problem.
solver - Variable in class pascal.taie.analysis.dataflow.inter.AbstractInterDataflowAnalysis
solver - Variable in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.util.SolverHolder
Solver<Node,Fact> - Interface in pascal.taie.analysis.dataflow.solver
Interface of data-flow analysis solver.
Solver - Interface in pascal.taie.analysis.pta.core.solver
SOLVER - Static variable in interface pascal.taie.analysis.dataflow.solver.Solver
The default solver.
SolverHolder - Class in pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.util
Base class for the objects that holds a Solver.
SolverHolder(Solver) - Constructor for class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.util.SolverHolder
SootWorldBuilder - Class in pascal.taie.frontend.soot
SootWorldBuilder() - Constructor for class pascal.taie.frontend.soot.SootWorldBuilder
source - Variable in class pascal.taie.util.graph.AbstractEdge
The source node of the edge.
source() - Method in record class pascal.taie.analysis.graph.flowgraph.OtherFlowEdge
Returns the value of the source record component.
source() - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.core.solver.PointerFlowEdge
source() - Method in class pascal.taie.util.graph.AbstractEdge
source() - Method in interface pascal.taie.util.graph.Edge
Source - Interface in pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.taint
Represents a source in taint analysis.
sourcePoint() - Method in record class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.taint.TaintFlow
Returns the value of the sourcePoint record component.
sources() - Method in record class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.taint.TaintConfig
Returns the value of the sources record component.
sources() - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.taint.TaintConfigProvider
SparseBitSet - Class in pascal.taie.util.collection
Sparse bit set.
SparseBitSet() - Constructor for class pascal.taie.util.collection.SparseBitSet
SparseBitSet(int) - Constructor for class pascal.taie.util.collection.SparseBitSet
SPECIAL - Enum constant in enum class pascal.taie.analysis.graph.callgraph.CallKind
SpecifiedParamProvider - Class in pascal.taie.analysis.pta.core.solver
This ParamProvider returns this/parameter objects specified via its builder.
SpecifiedParamProvider.Builder - Class in pascal.taie.analysis.pta.core.solver
SSupplier<T> - Interface in pascal.taie.util.function
The Serializable version of Supplier.
STACK_OVERFLOW_ERROR - Static variable in class pascal.taie.language.classes.ClassNames
start() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the start record component.
start() - Method in class pascal.taie.util.Timer
STATIC - Enum constant in enum class pascal.taie.analysis.graph.callgraph.CallKind
STATIC - Enum constant in enum class pascal.taie.language.classes.Modifier
STATIC_LOAD - Enum constant in enum class pascal.taie.analysis.graph.flowgraph.FlowKind
STATIC_STORE - Enum constant in enum class pascal.taie.analysis.graph.flowgraph.FlowKind
StaticField - Class in pascal.taie.analysis.pta.core.cs.element
Represents static field pointers.
StaticFieldAccess - Class in
Representation of static field access expression, e.g., T.f.
StaticFieldAccess(FieldRef) - Constructor for class
StaticFieldNode - Class in pascal.taie.analysis.graph.flowgraph
Stmt - Interface in
Representation of statements in Tai-e IR.
StmtResult<R> - Interface in pascal.taie.analysis
An interface for querying analysis results of Stmt.
stmts() - Method in interface
StmtVisitor<T> - Interface in
Stmt visitor which may return a result after the visit.
stop() - Method in class pascal.taie.util.Timer
StoreArray - Class in
Representation of store array statement, e.g., a[..] = x.
StoreArray(ArrayAccess, Var) - Constructor for class
StoreField - Class in
Representation of following store field statements: store instance field: o.f = x store static field: T.f = x
StoreField(FieldAccess, Var) - Constructor for class
storeResult(String, R) - Method in class pascal.taie.util.AbstractResultHolder
storeResult(String, R) - Method in interface pascal.taie.util.ResultHolder
Stores the analysis result with the key.
stream() - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.dataflow.fact.SetFact
Streams - Class in pascal.taie.util.collection
Static utility methods for Stream.
STRICTFP - Enum constant in enum class pascal.taie.language.classes.Modifier
string() - Method in interface pascal.taie.analysis.pta.core.heap.Descriptor
STRING - Static variable in class pascal.taie.language.classes.ClassNames
STRING_BUFFER - Static variable in class pascal.taie.language.classes.ClassNames
STRING_BUILDER - Static variable in class pascal.taie.language.classes.ClassNames
STRING_CONCAT_FACTORY_MAKE - Static variable in class pascal.taie.language.classes.Signatures
StringBasedModel - Class in pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.reflection
StringElement - Record Class in pascal.taie.language.annotation
StringElement(String) - Constructor for record class pascal.taie.language.annotation.StringElement
Creates an instance of a StringElement record class.
StringLiteral - Class in
StringReps - Class in pascal.taie.language.classes
Utility class for compute string representations of various program elements, such as class name, method descriptor, method signature, etc.
Strings - Class in pascal.taie.util
Static utility methods for String.
SUB - Enum constant in enum class
Subsignature - Class in pascal.taie.language.classes
Method name and descriptor.
sum(Collection<? extends T>, ToIntFunction<T>) - Static method in class pascal.taie.util.collection.CollectionUtils
Maps each element in given collection to an integer and computes the sum of the integers.
SUPER - Enum constant in enum class pascal.taie.language.generics.TypeArgument.Kind
supplier() - Method in class pascal.taie.util.collection.MultiMapCollector
SWITCH_CASE - Enum constant in enum class pascal.taie.analysis.graph.cfg.CFGEdge.Kind
Edge kind for switch statements (explicit case).
SWITCH_DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class pascal.taie.analysis.graph.cfg.CFGEdge.Kind
Edge kind for switch statements (default case).
SwitchStmt - Class in
Representation of switch statement, e.g., switch (v) { case 1: ...
SwitchStmt(Var) - Constructor for class
SYNCHRONIZED - Enum constant in enum class pascal.taie.language.classes.Modifier
SYNTHETIC - Enum constant in enum class pascal.taie.language.classes.Modifier
systemArraycopy(Invoke) - Method in class pascal.taie.analysis.pta.plugin.natives.ArrayModel
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form